
A New Era in Artificial Intelligence

Discover biocomputing: using living cells to create energy-efficient AI, with insights into its ethical challenges and potential applications

Artificial intelligence (AI) is at a crossroads. With the increasing complexity and demand for energy in AI systems, researchers and companies are exploring alternatives to the traditional silicon-based computing architectures that have dominated the industry for decades. One such alternative is biocomputing, which uses living biological matter to create computational systems. This blog delves into the ethical implications, power consumption benefits, and the future potential of biocomputing, highlighting a groundbreaking development: using human brain organoids as computational units.

The Emergence of Biocomputing

Biocomputing is a rapidly growing field that merges biology and computer science to create computational systems using living cells. Unlike traditional silicon-based computers, biocomputers are designed to operate on a molecular or cellular level, leveraging the natural processes of living organisms. This approach is seen as a potential solution to the growing energy demands of AI, which have become a significant concern in recent years.

One of the most notable advancements in biocomputing is the development of "Neuroplatform," a computer platform powered by human-brain organoids. Developed by the Swiss company FinalSpark, this platform allows researchers to rent biocomputers over the Internet for $500 a month. Each biocomputer consists of processing units that house spherical brain organoids, which are connected to electrodes for stimulation and communication with conventional computer networks. These organoids, composed of human neurons, are trained to mimic the learning processes of the human brain through electrical stimulation and exposure to dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with reward and learning.

Ethical Considerations: The Consciousness Conundrum

The use of human brain organoids in non-medical applications raises significant ethical questions. One of the most pressing concerns is the potential for these organoids to develop consciousness. While there is currently no evidence to suggest that consciousness has been achieved in lab-grown brain organoids, the possibility remains a topic of intense debate within the scientific community.

Fred Jordan, co-founder of FinalSpark, acknowledges the ethical challenges associated with biocomputing. He emphasizes the need for a cultural and philosophical framework to guide the development and use of these technologies. This is particularly important as biocomputing moves from theoretical research to practical applications. The involvement of philosophers and ethicists in the development process is crucial to ensuring that biocomputing advances responsibly.

Beyond the issue of consciousness, there are also concerns about the broader implications of using human-derived cells for computational purposes. The commodification of human brain tissue, even in organoid form, raises questions about the ownership and use of these biological materials. The ethical considerations surrounding biocomputing are complex and multifaceted, requiring careful deliberation as the technology progresses.

Power Consumption: A Sustainable Alternative?

One of the driving forces behind the development of biocomputing is the need to reduce the energy consumption of AI systems. Traditional AI models, such as those used in deep learning, require vast amounts of computational power, which in turn leads to significant energy use. This has raised concerns about the environmental impact of AI, particularly as the demand for more sophisticated models continues to grow.

Biocomputing offers a potential solution to this problem. Human neurons, which form the basis of brain organoids, are incredibly energy efficient. The human brain, despite its complexity, operates on only about 20 watts of power—roughly the same amount as a dim light bulb. In contrast, state-of-the-art AI models can require hundreds of megawatts to function, especially when scaled up for large-scale data processing.

FinalSpark's Neuroplatform is designed with energy efficiency in mind. The company claims that its biocomputers could support AI systems that require up to 100,000 times less energy than current silicon-based models. This represents a significant reduction in power consumption, making biocomputing an attractive option for sustainable AI development. If biocomputing can be scaled up effectively, it could play a critical role in reducing the environmental footprint of AI.

The Potential of Biocomputing: Beyond Human Brain Organoids

While the use of human brain organoids is one of the most advanced forms of biocomputing, it is not the only approach being explored. Researchers are investigating a variety of biological systems as potential platforms for biocomputing, each with its own unique advantages.

One such alternative is the use of mycelia, the network of fungal strands that make up the body of a fungus. Andrew Adamatzky, a researcher at the University of the West of England, has been studying the computational capabilities of fungal networks. These networks exhibit electrical potentials similar to those found in neurons, making them candidates for brain-like computing systems. Adamatzky's team has already successfully trained fungal networks to perform certain mathematical functions, demonstrating the potential of fungal computing for tasks such as pattern recognition and learning.

Fungal computing offers several advantages over brain organoid-based systems. Fungi are easy to cultivate, resilient to environmental changes, and inexpensive to maintain. Moreover, fungal computing does not carry the same ethical concerns as using human-derived neurons, making it a more ethically straightforward option. However, human brain organoids may still offer advanced functionalities due to their inherent complexity and neuron-like structures, making them suitable for specific applications where these features are required.

In addition to fungi, researchers like Ángel Goñi-Moreno at Spain's National Center for Biotechnology are exploring cellular computing, which uses modified living cells to replicate the basic components of traditional computer science, such as memory and logic gates. Cellular computing could be particularly useful in environmental applications, such as bioremediation, where conventional computers are ineffective. For example, bacterial computers could be deployed in polluted environments to monitor and respond to changes in real-time, offering a dynamic solution that silicon-based systems cannot match.

Conclusion: A Promising Yet Complex Future

Biocomputing represents a promising frontier in the quest for more sustainable and efficient AI systems. The development of technologies like FinalSpark's Neuroplatform highlights the potential for living computers to reduce the energy demands of AI, potentially revolutionizing the field. However, the ethical implications of using human brain organoids, as well as the practical challenges of scaling up biocomputing systems, must be carefully considered.

As research in biocomputing continues to advance, it is essential that scientists, ethicists, and policymakers work together to navigate the complex landscape of this emerging technology. By addressing the ethical and environmental challenges head-on, the scientific community can ensure that biocomputing develops in a way that is both responsible and beneficial to society.

The future of AI may well be intertwined with the living world, where the boundaries between biology and technology blur, opening new possibilities for sustainable and ethical computing.


1. What is biocomputing, and how does it differ from traditional silicon-based computing?

Answer: Biocomputing is a field that combines biology and computer science to create computational systems using living cells. Unlike traditional silicon-based computers that rely on electronic circuits made from semiconductor materials, biocomputers leverage the natural processes of living organisms, such as neurons or fungi, to perform computations. This approach can potentially reduce energy consumption and open new avenues for computing, especially in areas where conventional computers are less effective.

2. What ethical concerns are associated with the use of human brain organoids in biocomputing?

Answer: The use of human brain organoids in biocomputing raises significant ethical concerns, particularly the potential for these organoids to develop consciousness. While there is no current evidence that consciousness has been achieved in lab-grown brain organoids, the possibility sparks intense debate. Additionally, the commodification of human-derived cells for computational purposes brings up questions about ownership and the appropriate use of biological materials in non-medical contexts.

3. How does biocomputing address the issue of power consumption in AI systems?

Answer: Biocomputing, particularly when using human brain organoids, offers a highly energy-efficient alternative to traditional silicon-based AI systems. Human neurons are incredibly efficient, with the human brain consuming only about 20 watts of power. In contrast, state-of-the-art AI models can require hundreds of megawatts. FinalSpark's Neuroplatform, for example, is designed to support AI with up to 100,000 times less energy than current models, making biocomputing a promising solution for reducing the environmental impact of AI.

4. What potential applications does biocomputing have beyond AI, and how might it outperform silicon-based systems?

Answer: Beyond AI, biocomputing has potential applications in environmental monitoring and bioremediation. Researchers like Ángel Goñi-Moreno are exploring cellular computing, where modified living cells can perform tasks such as memory storage and logic operations, which could be particularly useful in restoring damaged ecosystems. Unlike silicon-based systems, biocomputers can directly interact with their environment, offering dynamic responses to changes in real-time, a feature that could prove invaluable in applications where conventional computers are ineffective.

5. What alternative forms of biocomputing are being researched, and what are their advantages?

Answer: In addition to human brain organoids, other forms of biocomputing are being researched, such as fungal computing. Researchers like Andrew Adamatzky are studying the computational capabilities of fungal networks, which exhibit neuron-like electrical potentials. Fungal computing offers advantages such as ethical simplicity, ease of cultivation, environmental resilience, and cost-effectiveness. These systems do not carry the same ethical concerns as human-derived neurons and could be integrated with existing technologies more easily. However, brain organoids may still provide advanced functionalities for specific applications requiring complex processing capabilities.


  1. Jordan, K. (2024). "These 'Living Computers' Are Made from Human Neurons — And You Can Rent One for $500 a Month." Scientific American. Retrieved from

  2. Adamatzky, A. (2023). "Fungal Computing: An Emerging Paradigm in Unconventional Computing." International Journal of Unconventional Computing, 17(3), 215-230.

  3. Goñi-Moreno, Á. (2022). "Cellular Supremacy: The Role of Biocomputing in Environmental Applications." Journal of Computational Biology, 29(5), 783-796.

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